Monday, December 26, 2016

Yellowstone, Nibiru, Nukes, Bunkers, Don't Take My Sunshine Away

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-six 12/24 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     -Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, as I insert an article from, only as I shared it, did I realize it too is very indicative of the scripture, Mat. 8:18-24, the cost of following Jesus,  ...Article, 

In the remaining days of 2016 we'll look back on the most-viewed posts on Persecution Blog in 2016, including a post that is more than 10 years old but is still one of the most-read posts on the blog! Today we look at #6, sharing two different responses from readers to this year's IDOP story:

"What They did Was Unconscionable"

A couple of weeks ago, Andrea H. wrote to us after she read the story in the newsletter:
Hello. I am stunned by this month's cover story of Hannelie and am particularly interested if there are others who are utterly in shock that these two people would endanger their children. I believe what they did is unconscionable; if they were in the United States, they would have had their children removed from their custody. How dare these people put those vulnerable kids in harm’s way. I'm absolutely blown away by this irresponsible act, as well as your tacit approval of all of it.
What did you think? Did you feel the same way Andrea did? Did Hannelie and her husband make an irresponsible choice regarding their children?
On the other hand, Bob S. wrote us this note:
When my wife and I watched the DVD Hannelie, I got depressed. I realized that in my quiet time or during a good sermon or rousing Christian song, I was like Peter and ready to “risk my life for Jesus,” but when faced with a situation like distributing Bibles as a Gideon in Chicago–the murder capital of America for over two years–I was chicken at the thought of what might happen.
Well, yesterday, I went into Chicago with other Gideons in a pretty safe neighborhood and all I suffered was indifference at the offer of a free Bible–plus many were open to accepting the Lord. Pray that Friday I will be a credit to His name and be willing to endure whatever may come when we venture into a place a lot less threatening than the people you support.
Sincerely in His service,
Bob S.
P.S. Keep sending out testimonies like Hannelie.
Oct 16 NL Cover op1-FLAT_pubBob had a completely opposite response to Hannelie’s story. Her story inspired him to take more risks in sharing the gospel, even in a dangerous part of America. Is it foolish of Bob to take that risk? Please join us in praying for Bob as he shares Christ through the Chicago area, and that his work will result in much fruit.
I’ve written before about trying to bring my young children up by praying for our persecuted family and with the knowledge that persecution could come to us. And if the Lord calls us to Afghanistan, to Saudi Arabia, to North Korea, I would take them with me. Jesus promised us persecution. He said that his message would divide families, and he said that no sacrifice was too great for him.
What about you? Are there some sacrifices that are too great?

     -Like Watching Noah's Ark, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, my people perish, GOH, Apb


    -A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb, see also

     -Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb ,

The Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, Hide Us

Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone, Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away! Blackness Is Come, 

-The Sunlight Of God, Jesus, Arriving With Healing In His Wing
See Malachi 4:2,

-The harsh reality is, when the Holy Spirit chose one particular scripture out of an entire Holy Bible of the same, then it's more crystal clear He's at an attempt to convey the most important of messages. There's Jeremiah 37:8, conveying the worse of America's enemies, right into it's end, as well it's hand writing on the wall of judgment, there is no escaping it, see also Dan. 5 for better clarity. As so there's Ezekiel 4, times, 2, a plain, simple play by play descriptive of what, why, whom, and the outcome? A weight of judgment 2001-2017, a sentence, the laying of a deadly seizure, a lost of 190 years into complete deletion, so much so, I've labored Trump due a White house Administration, instead as Brexit, a Truexit, when you get it? Escape All That Is The West!
-Just as urgent, Isaiah 13, the destruction of the destroyer, even by the brightness of Jesus' coming, while the reigning Bride ready a meteor like stone, (see Dan. 2), )as is also foretold by the prophet Ezekiel, his 38th and 39th chapters, the Armageddon, desolation and with such special care taken, the burial of Gog and Magog, it's Hamon-gog; for God knoweth the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish, see Psalm 1.
-Heretofore the morning of December 19th and the last I see before opening my eyes is the name Matthew, and the scripture passage, 8:18-24, described as the price for following Jesus Christ, as is portrayed above, by Hannelie's Story. 'let the dead bury the dead," Jesus most misunderstood, harrowing suggestion, what's your limit? Amazingly of which, this end time Apostle come to believe as recently as this post, the genius thought, how we, the Bride taking a look into this scripture passage are looking at a synopses of the entire dispensation of Grace.
-Remarkably having come to the end of the church age into resurrection and glorification, especially for those like this young man being portrayed here, this blessed revelation, willing and having forsaken all to follow this Christ's Lord, where are your treasures laid? Follow Jesus, herein for Her, again the soon to be arriving Them their Heavenly Post of a Marriage Supper. Is this a look into the new year's resolution of them all, this coming 2017, escaped for the next seven years; hence the cry, "Mark 17 and 7," (also see Noah's Ark). Something remarkable Holy Spirits conveyed just as America readied to war middle eastern soil 2003, unimaginably with a poised Hussein Obama instead this White house bid, a bitter-some sweet checkmate for two weeks and seven years, expired, now on to Daniel's final week, hosting the Antichrist rise and fall.
-For a certainty, just as I prophesied to the pastor, the elders of the church some years earlier, America would again be in wars, an Arab enemy into an Asian invasion right now pending Trump's victory, just this epidemic of horrors inconceivable, as so cursed is all unbelief. So here, far beyond those days. America, as so the West judgement/sentence is a beyond anything cataclysmic performance. Though millions will perish on impact, as the clouds of volcanic ash to nuclear fallout slowly poisons the air, that last and last, millions more will be lost to pandemonium, starvation and famine; just think, everything that hath life and breath will be horribly dead. Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, get Christ, get out while you can, Apb, The RAM, see more here, Rev. 18, as so here, and here,

Listening to Johnny Cash: You Are My Sunshine, Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away,


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